Greetings Bloggies.
So I was informed that I was not sharing the products of my cooking adventures with people that are not here.
So as a biproxi alternative to feeding all of my 5 loyal readers at one I will blog about food. The last post concerned the use of
the roasting pan and iron. Both of which have been used since. This post covers my adventures with a rolling pin. I had actually gotten my self one before christmas but never used it. It was a So So one made of steel.
The extra new one is Danish Maple. Its longer and heavier then the steel one. With that in my grasp it was time to revisit pizza.
My last and nearly first effort was not bad. But it was lumpy and uneven. Tonights batch which is really yesterdays was perfect.
I made this batch of pizza when the sauce I made thursday or so failed to be tasty for pasta due to a lack of non paste tomato products. That made it the perfect pizza sauce.
To night and this weeks supply of left overs used the last of that sauce combined with olives and read pepers and chicken fried in a little of the sauce and some smokey hot sauce. I think my post title says the rest.
Thankfully I have enough dough in the freezer to roughly double it.
Next tie you visit here, I want one!
Oh freaky, I was just thinking that me and The Other One should make scratch pizza again. Try it out in our new oven!
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